Custom Color Process

At AlumLA, we take pride in offering a vast spectrum of custom colors for our aluminum cladding products (manufactured by GTO), achieved through cutting-edge sublimation technology. This process involves transferring a pre-printed image from a specialized film onto the aluminum profiles, ensuring vibrant, lasting colors.

The technique utilizes powder paints based on polyester or polyurethane resins, chosen for their exceptional ability to withstand high sublimation temperatures (190-200°C) and their capacity to absorb inks effectively. Additionally, our cladding is coated with electrostatic paint, further enhancing the resilience of our products.

These finishes, made from durable polyester or polyurethane resins, are not only visually striking but also offer high resistance to UV rays, atmospheric conditions, and corrosion.

With GTO's custom color options, the possibilities are limitless, allowing you to transform any residential or commercial structure into a modern, stylish masterpiece, both inside and out.
Custom RAL Solid Color Option

*only available for large quantity orders

Aluminum Cladding Color Chart